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How to auto-increment non-numeric ID in mongo db

I want to auto-increment 'Project_ID' using mongo DB. I need to put 'Project_ID' value as 'demo_1', so using this value when I trying to auto-increment this value, it showing error: can not increment non numeric id.

public static Object getNextSequence(String Project_ID) throws Exception{
           // MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient( "localhost" , 27017 );
            // Now connect to your databases
           // DB db = mongoClient.getDB("demo");
            DB db=ConnectToDB.getConnection();
              Properties prop = new Properties();
              InputStream input = null;
                input = Demo.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("config.properties");
                String col=prop.getProperty("COLLECTION_DEMO");
            DBCollection collection = db.getCollection("counters");
            BasicDBObject find = new BasicDBObject();
            find.put("_id", Project_ID);
            BasicDBObject update = new BasicDBObject();
            update.put("$inc", new BasicDBObject("seq", 1));
            DBObject obj =  collection.findAndModify(find, update);
            return obj.get("seq");
Please let me know what is the issue there or what is the possible way to achieve this. Thanks.

Your explanation of what you're trying to autoincrement does not match the code, never mind the error. You're code is trying to autoincrement seq in a document keyed by Project_ID, in this case demo_1 . I ran your code although I got no errors, it is possible you don't have a "seed" record to findAndModify(). Try running this to create your seed:

db.counters.insert({_id: "demo_1", seq: NumberInt("0")});

then run your code. Also: You are connecting and closing the connection with each call to getNextSequence . That will be really slow. I recommend you open the DB and capture the collection in main() and close it upon exit.

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