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Send message to the new destination in Mirth

I am working on a Mirth channel where I am trying to validate an XML using the XSD file. In order to perform that I wrote the below JavaScript which was serving my purpose. I am using JAXP API library to perform this action.

My next step is: Any validation error should route to the Destination 1. Whereas, valid message should go to the Destination 2.

I would really appreciate if someone can guide me how to tweak this Javascript or write a filter logic to perform this action.

Thanks in advance !!!

var schemaFile = new Packages.java.io.File("C:\\hl7v3\\Test.xsd");
var schemaFactory = Packages.javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory.newIns tance("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema");
var schema = schemaFactory.newSchema(schemaFile);
var reader = new Packages.java.io.StringReader(connectorMessage.get RawData());

var xmlFile = new Packages.javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource(r eader);

var validator = schema.newValidator();

try {
// validates the message
// valid message
} catch (err) {
// invalid message
logger.error('An Error Occurred:'+err.toString());
return false;

For above validation example we can use Mirth destinationSet filtering function as below,

we should have two destination connectors, one for valid messages transmission and other for error-ed messages

try {
// validates the message
// valid message
} catch (err) {
// invalid message
logger.error('An Error Occurred:'+err.toString());
return false;

//Replace destination ID based on your destination IDs

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