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Arangodb AQL query

I have data organized such way:


There are 1k of teachers, 10k of pupils, every pupil has ~100 homeworks.

I need get all homeworks of pupils, related to a teacher via classes, or by direct link between them. All vertices and edges have some attributes, and let's suppose all required indices are already built, or we can discuss them a bit later.

I can get all required pupils ids by such fast enough query:

$query1 = "FOR v1 IN 1..1 INBOUND @teacherId teacher_pupil FILTER v1.deleted == false RETURN DISTINCT v1._id";
$query2 = "FOR v2 IN 2..2 INBOUND @teacherId OUTBOUND teacher_class, INBOUND pupil_class FILTER v2.deleted == false RETURN DISTINCT v2._id";
$queryUnion = "FOR x IN UNION_DISTINCT (($query1), ($query2)) RETURN x";

Then I wrote the following:

$query = "
LET pupilIds = ($queryUnion)

FOR pupilId IN pupilIds
    LET homeworks = (
        FOR homework IN 1..1 ANY pupilId pupil_homework
            return [homework._id, pupilId]
RETURN homeworks";

I got my homeworks, and I even can try filter them, but the query is too slow - that's an incorrect way, I believe.

Question 1 How can I do it without getting all Homeworks huge amount to memory at a time (LIMIT or whatever), sorting and filtering Homeworks by vertex' attributes fast and efficient? I'm sure limiting pupils, or pupil-related homeworks in the query/subquery's FOR leads to incorrect sorting/pagination.

I did another try with pure graph AQL query:

$query1 = "FOR v1 IN 2..2 INBOUND @teacherId pupil_teacher, OUTBOUND pupil_homework RETURN v1._id";
$query2 = "FOR v2 IN 3..3 INBOUND @teacherId teacher_class, pupil_class, OUTBOUND pupil_homework RETURN v2._id";
$query = "FOR x IN UNION_DISTINCT (($query1), ($query2)) LIMIT 500, 500 RETURN x";

It isn't much faster, and I don't know how filter Teacher vertices by attributes.

Question 2 What approach is the best for building such AQL queries, how can I access vertices of a graph filtering all path's parts by attributes? Can I paginate the result to save memory and speedup the query? How can I speed up it at all?

Thank you!

Assuming teacher and pupil are related to each other via classes(2 outbound links) or directly(single outbound link) and with no other way you can do something like this

 FOR v IN 1..2 OUTBOUND "teacher_id" GRAPH "graph_name"
   FILTER LIKE(v._id, "pupil_collection_name/%")
     FOR homeworks IN 1 OUTBOUND v GRAPH "graph_name"
        LIMIT lowerLimit,numberOfItems
           RETURN homeworks

But if there is a possibility that a teacher and pupil can be related to each other with something other than a class we would have to filter our query with respect to the edge we are seeing as well

 FOR v IN 1..2 OUTBOUND "teacher_id" GRAPH "graph_name"
   FILTER LIKE(v._id, "pupil_collection_name/%") && (e.name == "ClassPupil" || e.name == "TeacherPupil")
     FOR homeworks IN 1 OUTBOUND v GRAPH "graph_name"
        LIMIT lowerLimit,numberOfItems
           RETURN homeworks

Note that since same teacher can be related to a pupil directly as well as via a class, we can have non unique homeworks . Hence using a RETURN DISTINCT homeworks is suggested. But if duplications are not a problem, the above query should work

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