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Python MySQL Insert error must be str, not AttributeError

I have a Python function that pulls a JSON file, then reads this and pulls certain key pairs for inserting into a database.

def update_vuln_sets():
        logging.info('Getting latest vulnerability sets from Vulners API...')
        response = requests.get('https://vulners.com/api/v3/search/stats/')
        response.encoding = 'windows-1252'
        vuln_set = json.loads(response.text)
        vuln_type = vuln_set['data']['type_results']
    except Exception as e:
        logging.info('Processing JSON response')
                for k in vuln_type:
        vuln_bulletinfamily = vuln_set['data']['type_results'][k]['bulletinFamily']
        vuln_name = vuln_set['data']['type_results'][k]['displayName']
        vuln_count = vuln_set['data']['type_results'][k]['count']
            logging.info('Connecting to the database...')
            con = MySQLdb.connect('', 'vuln_backend', 'aHv5Gz50cNgR', 'vuln_backend')
            logging.info('Database connected!')
        except FileNotFoundError as fnf:
        except MySQLdb.Error as e:
            logging.info('Inserting vulnerability type ' + k + ' into DB')
            with con:
                cur = con.cursor()
                con.row_factory = MySQLdb.row
                cur.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO vuln_sets (vulntype, displayname, bulletinfamily, vulncount)"
                            " values (?,?,?,?)", (k, vuln_name, vuln_bulletinfamily, vuln_count))
            logging.info('Vulnerability type ' + k + ' inserted successfully!')
            except Exception as e:
                logging.error('Vulnerability type ' + k + 'not inserted! - Error: ' + e)
        logging.info('Vulnerability sets successfully updated!')
    except Exception as e:

Checking through my logging it is getting held up at the Inserting Record stage but it just gives an error of root ERROR must be str, not AttributeError

You're logging e which is not a str it is an AttributeError . Based on the bit of a stack trace you shared, it looks like 'logging.error() takes a str` argument.

You could either change logging.error() to accept an Exception instead of a string, or you could call take a string portion of the error to log it.

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