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Convert Python Dict to jqtree structure

In one of my projects I am trying to convert the following python dict

'node1' : 
        'child1': {}, 
'node2': {'child3': {}

to the following structure,

var data = [
    name: 'node1',
    children: [
        { name: 'child1' },
        { name: 'child2' }
    name: 'node2',
    children: [
        { name: 'child3' }

This format is used by jqtree . Can anyone suggest the best way for this. Since the result data structure does not contain 'node1' as key, I am not sure how to insert next level data into it.

Here's a quick recursive function that will work for your example. If the children contain other types (lists, etc.) instead of purely being a nested-dict structure, you may need to make some modifications:

def jqtree_from(data):
  jq = []
  for key, value in data.items():
    node = {'name': key}
    if value:
      node['children'] = jqtree_from(value)
  return jq


>>> d = # your example here
>>> jqtree_from(d)
[{'name': 'node1', 
  'children': [{'name': 'child1'}, 
               {'name': 'child2'}]}, 
 {'name': 'node2', 'children': [{'name': 'child3'}]}]

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