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Why INSERT INTO doesn't work in python

i have problem with SQLite3 in Python (using PyCharm + Python 3.5 on W10). The insert doesn't work

import sqlite3

conn = sqlite3.connect("test.db")
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute("DROP TABLE Normal;") # to clean data
c.execute("CREATE TABLE Normal (Invoice INTEGER);")
c.execute("INSERT INTO Normal (Invoice) VALUES (24);")

If I run sqlite3.exe in the directory afterwards, open the db and write commands in cmd.exe console:

sqlite> .open test.db;
sqlite> select * from Normal;
sqlite> INSERT INTO Normal (Invoice) VALUES (24);
sqlite> select * from Normal;

The very same insert works. I am confused...

The python library of SQLITE3 is transactional, meaning that it doesn't commit to the database until you commit the changes.

after the INSERT INTO statement put the line:


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