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Loop into a multidimensional array with PHP

I've got this type of multidimensional array in PHP:

    [1] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [Name] => France
                    [Capital] => Paris

            [1] => Array
                    [Name] => Italy
                    [Capital] => Rome


    [2] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [Name] => Canada
                    [Capital] => Ottawa



How can I loop into it ?

I try from my search on documentation:

foreach ($countries as $country)
  foreach ($country["Name"] as $name)
     $capitals = array();
     foreach ($name["Capital"] as $capitals)
       $capitals[] = $capital["Name"];
     print implode(",", $capitals);

Desired output should be:

Capital of `France` is `Paris`.
Capital of `Italy` is `Rome`.
Capital of `Canada` is `Ottawa`.

Could you please point me into the right direction ?


You must use two loops to access the lowest subarray, then you can access the values by their keys ( Name and Capital ).

Code: ( Demo )


foreach($array as $subarray){
    foreach($subarray as $subset){
        echo "Capital of `{$subset['Name']}` is `{$subset['Capital']}`.<br>";


Capital of `France` is `Paris`.
Capital of `Italy` is `Rome`.
Capital of `Canada` is `Ottawa`.

just update the foreach loop

foreach ($countries as $country)
  foreach ($country as $cdata)
     echo "Capital of '".$cdata['Name']."' is '".$cdata['Capital']."'<br/>".

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