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Loop into a multidimensional array in PHP

I have this array in PHP:

    "name" => "Cherry", 
    "desc" => "I'm a cherry.",
    "keys" => array(
    "pict" => "image1.png",

And I want to loop into this and between keys to display to countries/continents.

This is what I have already tried:

foreach($details as $detail) {
    foreach($keys as $key) {
        echo $key;

In case if you want to get other values in array along with countries:


$details = array( 
    "name" => "Cherry", 
    "desc" => "I'm a cherry.",
    "keys" => array(
    "pict" => "image1.png",

foreach( $details as $key => $detail ) {

    if( is_array( $detail ) && $key == 'keys' ) {

        foreach( $detail as $country ) {
            echo $country;

    } else {

        echo $detail;


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