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Android Studio connecting to localhost in mobile

I just wanted to ask how to connect to the localhost when the app is installed in mobile? I tried installing the apk of the android app in my mobile phone instead of the emulator of android studio. My app has a login and register activity. In the emulator, I'm able to register and login while I cannot register and login using my phone. Thanks in advance for the answer!

There are a lot of answers exist, but in simple follow the steps below.

  1. First try to connect both your pc and mobile devices in the same network .
  2. Then find the ip of your pc (run ipconfig in command prompt if you are using a pc).
  3. Place this ip as your base url in your app and use register/login endpoints as per your need.

    For eg: http://your.ip.here/register.php like this > ( )

  4. Now run the app, it'll connect to the above said ip.

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