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Maximum number of Characters in a character array

//Program to find max occurring character in string

#define MAX_SIZE 100  // Maximum string size, change to make string smaller or larger
#define MAX_CHARS 255 // Maximum characters allowed for characters

void main()
    char str[MAX_SIZE];  //store the string
    int freq[MAX_CHARS]; // store frequency of each character
    int i, max; // i is for loop max to store frequency
    int ascii;   //stores ascii value convertd from each char
    char ch;    //for choice

    printf("\nEnter any string: ");

    // Initializes frequency of all characters to 0
    for(i=0; i<MAX_CHARS; i++)
    freq[i] = 0;

    // Finds occurance/frequency of each characters
    while(str[i] != '\0')
    ascii = (int)str[i];
    freq[ascii] += 1;       //string's element is casted to int to store its ascii value for further comparision


    // Finds maximum frequency of character
    max = 0;
    for(i=0; i<MAX_CHARS; i++)
    if(freq[i] > freq[max])
        max = i;            //to print no. of times 

    printf("\nMaximum occurring character is '%c' = %d times.", max, freq[max]);
    printf("\n Want to find again??(y/n):");

When I give it the input: "aaaaeeee", the output is "a" occurring 4 times, but "e" occurs 4 times too. I know this is sorted by ascii values and thats why it gives "a" as output, but what can I do in this program that the output gives both "a" and "e" as output when a case like this occurs?

Add max calculation ahead

 i = 0;
 max = 0;
 while(str[i] != '\0')
    ascii = (int)str[i];
    freq[ascii] += 1;
    if (freq[ascii] > max) max = freq[ascii]; // <==== here

Note that this is the max number of the same character you might have.

Then display all chars which maximum is equal to max

for(i=0; i<MAX_CHARS; i++)
   if(freq[i] == max) printf("Character %c is at max %d\n", i, max);

To fix the endless loop, before the while add char c ; while ((c = getchar()) != EOF && c != '\\n'); char c ; while ((c = getchar()) != EOF && c != '\\n');

   char c;
   while ((c = getchar()) != EOF && c != '\n'); // <== note the ';'
} while(ch=='Y'||ch=='y');

Note that you shouldn't use gets , reason is explained here .

Whole code:

void main()
    char str[MAX_SIZE];  //store the string
    int freq[MAX_CHARS]; // store frequency of each character
    int i, max; // i is for loop max to store frequency
    int ascii;   //stores ascii value convertd from each char
    char ch;    //for choice

    do {
        printf("\nEnter any string: ");

        // Initializes frequency of all characters to 0
        for(i=0; i<MAX_CHARS; i++)
            freq[i] = 0;

        // Finds occurance/frequency of each characters
        for(i=0,max=0 ; str[i] != '\0' ; i++)
            ascii = (int)str[i];
            freq[ascii] += 1;       //string's element is casted to int to store its ascii value for further comparision
            if (freq[ascii] > max) max = freq[ascii];

        for(i=0; i<MAX_CHARS; i++)
            if(freq[i] == max) printf("Character %c is at max %d\n", i, max);

        printf("\n Want to find again??(y/n):");
        char c;
        while ((c = getchar()) != EOF && c != '\n'); 

Above this line

printf("\nMaximum occurring character is '%c' = %d times.", max, freq[max]);

Delete it and add this code

        printf("\nMaximum occurring character is '%c' = %d times.", i, freq[i]);

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