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Creating temporary table inside stored procedure

I am working on writing my first stored procedure for MySQL.

The stored procedure needs to create a temporary table and then insert some data into it.

If I manually create a normal table, outside of the stored proc, so the stored proc isn't creating the temporary table the stored proc is created and does exactly what I'm after.

If I then add the create temporary table to the stored proc instead, MySQL workbench then shows unexpected end and the en of the create statement.

Below is my stored proc

    CREATE PROCEDURE getLast24Hours()
#End of the below line I get unexpected end without this it works fine
        CREATE TABLE hours (`Hour` VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL, `Value` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY(`Hour`)); 

        DECLARE crt_time VARCHAR(8);
        DECLARE counter INT;
        DECLARE currentTime DATETIME;

        SET currentTime = NOW();

        SET crt_time = DATE_FORMAT(currentTime, '%d-%m %H');
        SET counter = 0;
        WHILE counter < 23 DO
            INSERT INTO hours (`Hour`) VALUES (crt_time);
            SET currentTime = currentTime - INTERVAL 1 HOUR;
            SET crt_time = DATE_FORMAT(currenttime, '%d-%m %H');
            SET counter = counter + 1;
        END WHILE;
    END //

I can't see anything to say that creating a temporary table isn't possible so what am I doing wrong.

https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/declare.html says:

DECLARE is permitted only inside a BEGIN ... END compound statement and must be at its start, before any other statements.

(emphasis mine)

Like the following:

        DECLARE crt_time VARCHAR(8);
        DECLARE counter INT;
        DECLARE currentTime DATETIME;

        CREATE TABLE hours (`Hour` VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL, `Value` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY(`Hour`)); 

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