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VBA 7.1 Backwards Compatibility

I am developing some VBA code using VBA 7.1 with excel 2016 as part of a larger enterprise application (not primarily in excel). The macros are run from a C# application and used to export data in the form of spreadsheets. I am looking for a good guide as to what versions of excel these macros will run properly on, and where I can look for changes that could potentially cause my code to break. I developed it using excel 2016, how backwards compatible will this be?

I would like to make it compatible as far back as the 2010 excel version if possible.

If you need compatibility with VBA6 and VBA7, this is a good example how to achieve it through compiler constants:

Option Explicit

#If VBA6 Then
    Sub RunTheApp()
        Debug.Print "VBA6"
    End Sub
#ElseIf VBA7 Then
    Sub RunTheApp()
        Debug.Print "VBA7"
    End Sub
    Sub RunTheApp()
        Debug.Print "You cannot come here from TestMe()"
    End Sub
#End If

Sub TestMe()
End Sub

Once you try to run the TestMe module, it will print VBA6 or VBA7 , depending on your system.

MSDN - Compiler Constants

In general, VBA7 has compability for 64bit environment. Here is the MSDN article for the differences between these two - Compatibility between the 32-bit and 64-bit Versions of Office 2010 It is a good idea to read it, if you are using external functions that are embedded in dynamic linked libraries.

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