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Automated deployment in IBM i-Series using Aldon Version Tool

当前,我们正在遵循手动部署以通过Aldon促进从iSeries QA系统到生产系统的更改,并且我们计划使用Adlon工具自动化部署。是否有人知道如何使用Aldon Version Tool在IBM i系列中自动化部署。

Just turn it on...the Deployment guide should have a section, Deploying Objects from Integration and QA


  • Create at least one target definition with Accept deployments from environment
  • Define at least one deployment profile for the release with Deploy from environment set to ITG or QUA having with at least one target definition.
  • The release option Deploy when promoting to ITG or Deploy when promoting to QUA must be set to Y, or to N with Allow override set to Y.

In order to fully deploy the objects, you'll want to have the deployment sets created with Last Auto-Start step = *INSTALL

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