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Angular - upload file as base64

I am trying to upload files from Angular 4 app to a JSON API service that accepts base64 strings as file content.

So what I do is - read the file with FileReader.readAsDataURL , then when user confirms the upload I will create a JSON request to the API and send the base64 string of the file I got earlier.

This is where the problem starts - as soon as I do something with the "content" (log it, send it, w/e) the request will be send, but its insanely slow, eg 20 seconds for 2MB file.

I have tried:

  • using ArrayBuffer and manually converting it to base64
  • storing the base64 string in HTML and retrieving it later
  • reading the files after user clicks on upload button
  • using the old client from @angular/common
  • using plain XHR request

but everything leads to the same result.

I know where the problem lies. But why does it happen ? Is it something browser specific or angular specific? Is there a more preferred approach (keep in mind it has to be base64 string)?


  • changing anything in the API is beyond my control
  • API is fine, sending any file trough postman will finish immediately


This method runs when user adds file to the dropzone:

public onFileChange(files: File[]) : void {
    files.forEach((file: File, index: number) => {
        const reader = new FileReader;

        // UploadedFile is just a simple model that contains filename, size, type and later base64 content
        this.uploadedFiles[index] = new UploadedFile(file);

        //region reader.onprogress
        reader.onprogress = (event: ProgressEvent) => {
            if (event.lengthComputable) {
                    Math.round((event.loaded * 100) / event.total)

        //region reader.onloadend
        reader.onloadend = (event: ProgressEvent) => {
            const target: FileReader = <FileReader>event.target;
            const content = target.result.split(',')[1];



This method runs when users clicks save button

public upload(uploadedFiles: UploadedFile[]) : Observable<null> {
    const body: object = {
        files: uploadedFiles.map((uploadedFile) => {
            return {
                filename: uploadedFile.name,
                // SLOWDOWN HAPPENS HERE
                content: uploadedFile.content

    return this.http.post('file', body)

For sending big files to server you should use FormData to be able to send it as multi-part instead of a single big file.

Something like:

 // import {Http, RequestOptions} from '@angular/http'; uploadFileToUrl(files, uploadUrl): Promise<any> { // Note that setting a content-type header // for mutlipart forms breaks some built in // request parsers like multer in express. const options = new RequestOptions(); const formData = new FormData(); // Append files to the virtual form. for (const file of files) { formData.append(file.name, file) } // Send it. return this.http.post(uploadUrl, formData, options); } 

Also don't forget to set the header 'Content-Type': undefined , I've scratched my head over this for hours.

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