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How to get pixel shader version and vertex shader version in c++

as memtioned in title, I need to get pixel shader version and vertex shader version in c++ code.But I don't know how to do it. Is there anyone can help me?

What you create device you are passing an array of D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL values, when function succeeds the chosen feature level will be returned as through pFeatureLevel pointer. Returned feature level determines highest shader version supported by video adapter.

constexpr const ::std::array<::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL, 4> feature_levels
,   ::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0
,   ::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_1
::ID3D11Device * naked_p_device{};
::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL selected_feature_level{};
::ID3D11DeviceContext * naked_p_device_context{};
        ,   nullptr
        ,   creation_flags
        ,   feature_levels.data()
        ,   static_cast< ::UINT >(feature_levels.size())
        ,   D3D11_SDK_VERSION
        ,   ::std::addressof(naked_p_device)
        ,   ::std::addressof(selected_feature_level)
        ,   ::std::addressof(naked_p_device_context)
    // inspect selected_feature_level...

Table of feature level capabilities

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