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Azure Stream Analytics Querying JSON

I have a problem writing a query to extract a table out of the arrays from a json file: The problem is how to get the information of the array “clientPerformance” and then make them all in a normal sql table.

The file looks like this:


I tried to use Get array elements method and other ways but I am never able to access to clientProcess, networkConnection.. elements

I tried to use for exampls this one:

GetRecordPropertyValue(GetArrayElement(Input.clientPerformance, 0), 'name') AS Name,
GetRecordPropertyValue(GetArrayElement(Input.clientPerformance, 1), 'clientProcess.count') AS clientProcessCount,
FROM [app-insights-blob-dev] Input 

I would appreciate any help :)

I slightly edited your query to return the clientProcessCount. (I changed the array index from 1 to 0). Also make sure your JSON object starts with { and ends with }.

GetRecordPropertyValue(GetArrayElement(Input.clientPerformance, 0), 'name') AS Name,
GetRecordPropertyValue(GetArrayElement(Input.clientPerformance, 0), 'clientProcess.count') AS clientProcessCount
FROM [app-insights-blob-dev] Input

For other examples to query complex objects with ASA, don't hesitate to look at this blog post .

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