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How to retrieve properties from a List of Class in Dart?

I created a custom Class with 4 elements here...

class Top {
  String videoId;
  int rank;
  String title;
  String imageString;

  Top({this.videoId, this.rank, this.title, this.imageString});

I'm retrieving some Firebase items to populate these elements..

var top = new Top(videoId: items['vidId'], rank: items['Value'],
title: items['vidTitle'], imageString: items['vidImage']);

Then I'm adding them to a List of Type "Top" in order to sort the Class values based on "rank"...

List<Top> videos = new List();
videos..sort((a, b) => a.rank.compareTo(b.rank));

But, printing videos logs this...

[Instance of 'Top', Instance of 'Top', Instance of 'Top', Instance of 'Top', Instance of 'Top', Instance of 'Top', Instance of 'Top', Instance of 'Top']

I'm not sure if its because its in a List. How can I get usable "Top" property values from videos? For instance when I query top.rank I get this...

[14, 12, 11, 10, 10, 6, 5, 1]

The properties of a list is obtained with [] operator passing the index of the element.

If you wanted retrive third Top in the list videos you can just access it like


If you wanted retrive a property rank of third Top in the list videos you can just access it like


If you want the print statement tho show items of list, then change your class to override toString method, like

class Top {
  String videoId;
  int rank;
  String title;
  String imageString;

 Top({this.videoId, this.rank, this.title, this.imageString});

 String toString(){
     return "{videoId: $videoId, rank: $rank, title: $title, imageString: $imageString}";

Hope that helped!

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