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convert multiple text files to csv

I have 3 text files in this example and would like to convert them to csv files : I can do it for one file but for multiple files i am aseeing errors after tweaking the code multiple times :

    import os
    import glob3

count =1
file_name = "COUNT16_DISTRIBUTION" + str(count*1) + ".txt"

def data_parser(text, dic):
    for i, j in dic.iteritems():
        text = text.replace(i,j)
    return text

while count<=3:
    for count in file_name:
        inputfile = open(file_name)
        outputfile = open("COUNT16_DISTRIBUTION" + str(count*1)+ '.csv', 'w')
        reps = {'"DUT 1"':' ', ' ':' ', ' ':' ' }
        for i in range(7):  inputfile.next()

        count = count + 1
        file_name = "COUNT16_DISTRIBUTION" + str(count * 1) + ".txt"
        for line in inputfile:
            outputfile.writelines(data_parser(line, reps))

In this particular case now i am running into problem because first i converted count to string and later i want to use it as integer in order to increment and check the condition. Any other thoughts or way to do it or any suggestions to improve this way ?

The variable name you are using for the count of files, count =1 is also being used to loop through your file_name in for count in file_name: . Because of this, count will no longer be the current file number, but instead take on the characters of file_name .

All you need to do is use a different variable name for your for loop. For example, for c in file_name:

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