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Random matrix: int() argument must be a string or a number, not 'tuple'

I am trying to generate a matrix with which is mxn and contains random numbers. I have produced the following code, but am confused by the error I am receiving. Here is the code I am using:

class MP:
def __init__(self,
          mSize, nSize

def RMatrix(param):
  assert isinstance(param, MP)
  m = int(param.mSize)
  n = int(param.nSize)
  return (np.matrix(A))

I am receiving the error: int() argument must be a string or a number, not 'tuple'. Why are the values being passed as tuple? What is going on here and how can I fix this?

Got it. You have an comma in your init (at self.mSize=mSize**,**) . Remove that and your code will work fine.

import numpy as np
class MP:
    def __init__(self,
              mSize, nSize

    def RMatrix(param):
      assert isinstance(param, MP)
      m = int(param.mSize)
      n = int(param.nSize)
      return (np.matrix(A))

print x.RMatrix()


[[ 0.88170563  0.56061723  0.71311863]
 [ 0.3550273   0.83179011  0.10337231]
 [ 0.43324567  0.52177816  0.04648175]]

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