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CMake in CLion, invoke remote build instead of building localy

I want to achieve following, I have a cmake configuration in CLion, include paths, source files and executable. The source cannot be built locally, so I have to invoke remote build, for example using SSH. The question is how do I invoke Build command, but I dont have add_executable , so nothing built locally? I tried to add add_custom_command and remove the add_executable . However it didnt make the trick.
Short version of my CMakeList.txt '

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.9)

set (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++14")
include_directories(lib/include lib/include/control lib/include/ext lib/include/infra lib/include/boo)

add_executable(boo ${BOO_FILES})

add_custom_command(TARGET boo PRE_BUILD COMMAND "some command here")

I think it is about add_custom_target but I cant figure out how to put all of it together

Ok, figured it out just leave the add_executable as is and add additional targets to build
Something like

# just run my remote make
add_custom_command(OUTPUT BooMake COMMAND your remote make command goes here WORKING_DIRECTORY "c:/Program Files/PuTTY/")
add_custom_target(BooBuild ALL DEPENDS BooMake)

Additional configuration BooBuild will appear in CLion, just run it
Limitation, error messages are not clickable, gotta figure it out

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