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How to split the string into 2 with python?

I am having these strings.

"LAKDOER 567-85 06D-1F"
"QRT1 35-43 459-70 D"
"50201 WSCFVGH 133 9H "
"GG-STAR THIEOR- WL-515-67-26548H-9"

I want to split all the strings and need output like this.

["LAKDOER", "567-85 06D-1F"]
["QRT1",  "35-43 459-70 D"]
["50201 WSCFVGH", "133 9H "]
["GG-STAR THIEOR-", "WL-515-67-26548H-9"]

With re.split() function and specific regex pattern:

import re

lst = ["LAKDOER 567-85 06D-1F", "QRT1 35-43 459-70 D", "50201 WSCFVGH 133 9H ", 
       "STREE VDERYG 8C LOP", "GG-STAR THIEOR- WL-515-67-26548H-9"

pat = re.compile(r'\s(?=[a-z-]*[0-9])', re.I)
for s in lst:
    print(pat.split(s, 1))

The output:

['LAKDOER', '567-85 06D-1F']
['QRT1', '35-43 459-70 D']
['50201 WSCFVGH', '133 9H ']
['GG-STAR THIEOR-', 'WL-515-67-26548H-9']

  • re.I - regex flag, tells to match case-insensitively
  • \\s(?=[az-]*[0-9]) - matches whitespace character \\s followed by character sequence with mandatory number(s) [0-9] and optional [az-]* sequence (ensured by positive lookahead assertion (?=...) )

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