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i am getting data from database and query is executed successfully and could not extract the result by using group by id

How to do i get driver id and driver name separately?

String hql="select count(tx.driver.driverid),tx.driver.drivername from Transaction tx group by driver"; 
return   (List)hibernateTemplate.find(hql);


List list=driverService.groupby();
Iterator it=list.iterator();


    Object obj=(Object)it.next();


result :


1) Create a result class:

package my.package;

public class DriverResultClass{

   private Integer count;
   private String name;

   public DriverResultClass(Integer count, String name){
      // set fields

2) Alter your query:

select new my.package.DriverResultClass(count(tx.driver.driverid),tx.driver.drivername) 
from Transaction tx 
group by tx.driver.drivername 

3) Change list type:


Hibernate will not automatically populate the POJO object and wont need to extract manually from a List of Object arrays.

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