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finding the regex to get a url between two phrases

I have the following script trying to get this url: https://clips-media-assets.twitch.tv/178569498.mp4 which is in between {"quality":"1080","source":" and a " but my regex doesn't seem to be working

dt = """
    <script>jQuery(window).load(function () {
      }, 1000);quality_options: [{"quality":"1080","source":"https://clips-media-assets.twitch.tv/178569498.mp4","frame_rate":60},{"quality":"720","source":"https://clips-media-assets.twitch.tv/AT-178569498-1280x720.mp4","frame_rate":60},{"quality":"480","source":"https://clips-media-assets.twitch.tv/AT-178569498-854x480.mp4","frame_rate":30},{"quality":"360","source":"https://clips-media-assets.twitch.tv/AT-178569498-640x360.mp4","frame_rate":30}]

[download]  28.2x of 57.90MiB at  1.54MiB/s ETA 00:26 


pattern = re.compile(r'(?:\G(?!\A)|quality\":\"1080\",\"source\":\")(?:(?!\").)*', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
clipHTML = BeautifulSoup(dt, "html.parser")

scripts = clipHTML.findAll(['script'])
for script in scripts:
    if script:
        match = pattern.search(script.text)
        if match:
            email = match.group(0)

If you insist on using a regex to solve this, try this one (as shown here ):


I don't know specifically about this case, but I have to mention that in general it's not ideal to parse JSON with regular expressions. Of course you can add dynamic-numbered spaces to the regex using ( *) , but still I think it's better to use a JSON parser.

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