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How to optimize this bash function?

I have made a bash function that would separate the image files that are larger than a certain size but I have around 20000 files and it's taking too much time and it doesn't utilize the CPU much at all so I was wondering maybe it was possible to optimize it a little without real complicated multi-processing(I don't mind multi-processing but I don't want to write 20 lines of code for such a simple task)

Here is my code:

getpics() {
    dir="larger than $1x$2"
    mkdir "$dir"
    for f in `ls *`; do  
        a=`file "$f" | grep -Po ", \K[\d]*x[\d]*"`
        x=`grep -Po "\d*(?=x)" <<< "$a"`
        y=`grep -Po "x\K\d*" <<< "$a"`
        echo "$a _______________________ $x, $y"
        if [ $x -gt $1 ] && [ $y -gt $2 ] ; then
            mv "$f" "$dir/$f"

You can try avoiding calls to external tools as much as possible and using bash built-ins instead.

For example, to replace all grep s, you can use bash ERE (works in Bash 4+):

re='^.* ([0-9]+)x([0-9]+),.*$'
for f in *; do
    desc=$(file "$f")
    if [[ $desc =~ $re ]]; then
        # ... check size & move
  1. You must not parse output of ls
  2. You can avoid 2 grep calls by using BASH regex (thanks to comments below and @randomir's answer)

Refactored script:

re=', ([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)'
getpics() {
    dir="larger than $1x$2"
    mkdir "$dir"
    for f in *; do  
        if [[ $(file "$f") =~ $re ]]; then
           echo "$a _______________________ $x, $y"
           (( x > $1 && y > $2 )) && mv "$f" "$dir/$f"

First lets do some benchmarks:

We start with the if:

$ time for i in `seq 1 100000`; do if [ 2 -gt 1 ] && [ 3 -gt 2 ]; then a=1; fi; done

real    0m0.694s
user    0m0.693s
sys 0m0.003s

$ time for i in `seq 1 100000`; do if [[ 2 -gt 1 && 3 -gt 2 ]]; then a=1; fi; done

real    0m0.428s
user    0m0.424s
sys 0m0.006s

$ time for i in `seq 1 100000`; do if (( 2 > 1 && 3 > 2 )); then a=1; fi; done

real    0m0.366s
user    0m0.364s
sys 0m0.003s

$ time for i in `seq 1 100000`; do (( 2 > 1 && 3 > 2 )) && a=1; done

real    0m0.355s
user    0m0.352s
sys 0m0.005s

Now let's look at ls

$ time for i in `ls *`; do a=1; done

real    0m0.280s
user    0m0.249s
sys 0m0.036s

$ time for i in *; do a=1; done

real    0m0.128s
user    0m0.128s
sys 0m0.000s

Now some people might wonder if

desc=$(file "$f")
if [[ $desc =~ $re ]]; then

Would be different than

if [[ $(file "$f") =~ $re ]]; then

But there is no difference in the result. I also tested it so many times but each time one was randomly faster than the other. But I'm not putting the result of that here because I think it has no use.

Again you might wonder if there is a difference between

^.* ([0-9]+)x([0-9]+),.*$ And ([0-9]+)x([0-9]+),

But I tested it and there is none. However according to regex101 The best regex (preserving the groupings) is:

.*, ([0-9]+)x([0-9]*)     : 33 steps.
, ([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)       : 34 steps.
^.* ([0-9]+)x([0-9]+),.*$ : 38 steps.

Now lets compare different ways of getting x and y :

$ time (files=( * ); for f in "${files[@]:0:1000}"; do IFS=, a=(`file $f`);IFS=x b=(${a[8]});done;)

real    0m5.580s
user    0m1.147s
sys 0m4.498s

$ time (files=( * ); for f in "${files[@]:0:1000}"; do if [[ $(file "$f") =~ $re ]]; then x=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}; y=${BASH_REMATCH[2]}; fi; done)

real    0m5.817s
user    0m1.234s
sys 0m4.619s

$ time (files=( * ); for f in "${files[@]:0:1000}"; do a=(`convert $f -print "%w %h\n" /dev/null`);done;)

real    0m10.356s
user    0m3.624s
sys 0m6.793s

$ time (files=( * ); for f in "${files[@]:0:1000}"; do a=$(file "$f" | grep -Po ", \K\d+x\d+"); IFS=x read x y <<<"$a"; done;)

real    0m12.645s
user    0m2.235s
sys 0m13.914s

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