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How do I display data from a SQL Server database based on checked box in VB.Net?

I need to retrieve data from SQL Server based on a checkbox list in VB.Net. When I check an item, all rows which contain that item must be displayed in a DataGridView. How do I make this happen?

Use this query:

Select column1, column2 
from tablename 
where columnname= '"& checkbox.text& "'

That must filter your database.

First, you need to get all selected items in the checkbox:

For Each checkBox As CheckBox In chkbxlst.Items
    If (checkBox.Checked = True) Then
        'its selected
    End If

Next, write a SQL query,

select * from tablename where column in ({0})

We can go parameterized way or non-parameterized way. Parameterized is recommended to avoid SQL Injection attack.

Dim query as String = "select * from tablename where column in ({0})"
Dim i as Int = 0
Dim sqlCommand = new SqlCommand()
sqlCommand.Connection = connection
sqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text
Dim sb = new new List<string>()
For Each checkBox As CheckBox In chkbxlst.Items
    If (checkBox.Checked = True) Then
        Dim paramName as String = "paramName" + i
        sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue(paramName, checkBox.Text)
    End If
sqlCommand.CommandText = String.Format(query, string.Join(",", sb))
'..execute the command and get response

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