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How to set onitemclicklistener to open strings.xml link from arraylist

I have links in strings.xml , I have arraylist that contains R.string.web_something. How can I open intent taking int ,reference to strings.xml, with web link from arraylist?

 places.add(new  Places(R.string.dejavu,R.string.web_dejavu,R.drawable.dejavu,R.string.web_dejavu,R.string.location_dejavu));

Here I need to add code to open an Intent (webpage) using link from strings.xml

listView.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
        public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> adapterView, View view, int position, long l) {
            Places place = places.get(position);  //after this


tried toString(); but couse place.getWebID() returns int, it doesnt work getWeb():

public int getWeb() {
    return pWebID;

You can get the URL from your ArrayList which contains string resource

Resouce arrayList is of type Integer .So,

   for(int i : yourResourceList)
       String url = getString(i);

Just loop through the list and you will get each string URL in the list


In your case try

   String place = getString(places.get(position).getWebID());

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