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Python - regex to extract IP and Mask from snmp walk output

I am struggling with regex to extract IP and subnet mask info from a snmp walk output. Here is how output looks like.

[<SNMPVariable value='' (oid='iso.', oid_index='', snmp_type='IPADDR')>, <SNMPVariable value='' (oid='iso.', oid_index='', snmp_type='IPADDR')>, <SNMPVariable value='' (oid='iso.', oid_index='', snmp_type='IPADDR')>, <SNMPVariable value='' (oid='iso.', oid_index='', snmp_type='IPADDR')>,

I have organized the output in different lines just so it is easy to understand (actual output in my code is the above one without lines):

[<SNMPVariable value='' (oid='iso.', oid_index='', snmp_type='IPADDR')>, 
<SNMPVariable value='' (oid='iso.', oid_index='', snmp_type='IPADDR')>, 
<SNMPVariable value='' (oid='iso.', oid_index='', snmp_type='IPADDR')>, 
<SNMPVariable value='' (oid='iso.', oid_index='', snmp_type='IPADDR')>,

So between each block, we have subnet mask (value='') and ip address (oid='iso. ')

I need to to extract that info and save it in an array/list so it will look like this:

(,, and so on ...)

I believe regex would be the best solution but despite many hours of research and trying I can't seem to find a solution.

Here is what I have so far:

<some code omitted ..>
# contains SNMP output displayed above
print snmp_output
str_result = ''.join(str(snmp_output))
regex = re.findall(r"\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\b", str_result)
print regex

It gives me this output:

['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', and so on ...]

I guess the first step would be to get out that only gives me mask and IP and not there #s in between.

Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks Damon


for item in system_items:
    print '{oid}.{oid_index} {snmp_type} = {value}'.format(

You can use following regexp:



And in python:

>>> import re
>>> str = r"[<SNMPVariable value='' (oid='iso.', oid_index='', snmp_type='IPADDR')>, <SNMPVariable value='' (oid='iso.', oid_index='', snmp_type='IPADDR')>, <SNMPVariable value='' (oid='iso.', oid_index='', snmp_type='IPADDR')>, <SNMPVariable value='' (oid='iso.', oid_index='', snmp_type='IPADDR')>,"
>>> re.findall(r"value='([\d.]+)'\s*\(oid='iso.*?\.(\d+\.\d+.\d+.\d+)'", str)
# => [('', ''), ('', ''), ('', ''), ('', '')]

Then you can take tuples and format them in strings as you need.

To get the output as you have it in your question:

>>> import re
>>> regex = re.compile(r'(?:\d+\.){3}\d+$')
>>> tuple('{}/{}'.format(regex.search(item.oid).group(0), item.value)
...       for item in system_items)

I don't have PySNMP installed, but here's a test:

>>> class SNMPVariable(object):
...     def __init__(self, value, oid):
...         self.value = value
...         self.oid = oid

>>> s1 = SNMPVariable('', 'iso.')

>>> s2 = SNMPVariable('', 'iso.')

>>> system_items = [s1, s2]

>>> tuple('{}/{}'.format(regex.search(item.oid).group(0), item.value)
...       for item in system_items)
('', '')

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