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How to ensure only one thread runs at a time, the most recent data?

I have a Flask app with a certain URL route that, when called, invokes a function inside a process via the threading library. This function contains a while True loop that, inside, has a DB query.

That same function may be invoked again, but the DB may change, which now results in a different thread. I don't want this however, as it causes a thread to have old data.

I want one thread.

Here's my current approach:

def startZMQListener():
        thread = threading.Thread(target=enableZMQ, name="enableZMQ", kwargs={
            'username': 'test',
            'stopFlag': stopFlag
        return success_response('ok')

    except Exception as e:
        return error_response(e)

def enableZMQ(username, stopFlag):
    if not stopFlag:
        context = zmq.Context()

        listen_on = 'tcp://' + ENGINE_IP 

        sock = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
        sock.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b"")
        print ('listening on ' + listen_on)

        while True:
            print MONGODB QUERY

Let's say the "MONGODB QUERY" is the same each time, but the data it queries is different.

How do I make sure there is only one process running at all times that uses the most recent MongoDB query?

One possible solution is have the data always ready in ram.

You could have a callback in your flask app that fills a global value with data. This callback would be called from another thread that runs on a interval.

Something like this:

from threading import Thread, Lock
# Add flask stuff

global value_store = [] # Some data
global mutex = Lock()
INTERVAL = 1  # second
global should_query = False

def get_some_data():
    global mutex
    with mutex
        global value_store
        return jsonify(value_store)

def callback(data):
    global mutex 
    with mutex:
        global value_store
        value_store = data

def query_repeat():
    global should_query
    while should_query:
        # query db here
        raw data = query_database()

        # filter/process data
        data = filter_data(raw_data)

        # call callback

        # sleep and repeat

t = Thread(target = query_repeat, args = (,))
should_query = True

I may have some scope errors with function calls, but thats the general idea.

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