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Python replace a string with wild characters

I have a string like this:

 jmeter -t xyz.jmx -Jhost= -JCEnext= ....

xyz.jmx is variable string and can be any name ie abc123.jmx or xyz1.jmx ..

I need to replace

jmeter -t xyz.jmx 


jmeter -n -t C:\Automation\Jmeter\xyz.jmx

how can I do this?

You can use Regex : using re.sub


import re
s = "jmeter -t xyz.jmx -Jhost= -JCEnext="
toReplace = r"jmeter -n -t C:\Automation\Jmeter\\"

print(re.sub("jmeter(.*?)\-t\s+", toReplace, s))


jmeter -n -t C:\Automation\Jmeter\xyz.jmx -Jhost= -JCEnext=

You can try Positive Lookbehind (?<=-t)

import re

pattern =r'(?<=-t)\s(\w.+?\s)'

text='jmeter -t xyz.jmx -Jhost= -JCEnext= ....'

replaced=re.sub(pattern,r' C:\Automation\Jmeter\xyz.jmx ',text)


jmeter -t C:\Automation\Jmeter\xyz.jmx -Jhost= -JCEnext= ....

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