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Javascript if statement inside return

I need some help. I have an array allGames of objects received as a prop from the parent. I need to filter this array based on its objects properties ( venue, date, price ) and so on. The filter values will be entered by the user in either a checkbox, a dropdown or something else. I need these filters to work together.

For that I am using two extra arrays: one called filteredGames to hold the games to be displayed after filtering and another one called searchTerm that updates as the inputs are entered.

I managed to filter properly using the following code:

<input type="text" name="date" v-model="searchTerm.date">
<input type="text" name="venue" v-model="searchTerm.venue">
<input type="text" name="price" v-model="searchTerm.price">

export defaults {
    props: {
      allGames: {
        type: Array,
        required: true
    data: function () {
      return {
        filteredGames: [],
        searchTerm: {
          venue: '',
          date: '',
          price: ''
    watch: {
      searchTerm: {
        handler: function (val) {
          this.$emit('input', val)
        deep: true
    methods: {
      filterGames: function () {
        if (this.filteredGames.length === 0) { this.filteredGames = this.allGames }
        if (this.searchTerm.venue) { this.searchTerm.venue = this.searchTerm.venue.toLowerCase() }
        if (this.searchTerm && this.filteredGames) {
          this.filteredGames = this.allGames.filter(game => {
            return (
              game.venue.toLowerCase().search(this.searchTerm.venue) >= 0 &&
              game.date.search(this.searchTerm.date) >= 0 &&
              game.price.search(this.searchTerm.price) >= 0

The problem I'm having is that not all of the original objects' properties are filled. For example, a game may have its price column empty. When that happens I get Error in callback for watcher "searchTerm": "TypeError: game.price is null" and the search doesn't work at all.

Is there a way to add an if statement inside return? Something like if (game.price) { game.price.search(this.searchTerm.price) >= 0 } ?

I couldn't find a way to make it work. If it's not possible is there an alternative?

I appreciate any help.

You can do this, only apply the search if the property is truthy like this:

This is called

Short-circuit evaluation

 return (
      (game.venue && game.venue.toLowerCase().search(this.searchTerm.venue) >= 0) &&
      (game.date && game.date.search(this.searchTerm.date) >= 0) &&
      (game.price && game.price.search(this.searchTerm.price) >= 0)

It works because in JavaScript, true && expression always evaluates to expression , and false && expression always evaluates to false.

Edit Using || to return true even if 1 search matches:

return (
          (game.venue && game.venue.toLowerCase().search(this.searchTerm.venue) >= 0) ||
          (game.date && game.date.search(this.searchTerm.date) >= 0) ||
          (game.price && game.price.search(this.searchTerm.price) >= 0)

Edit 2 To filter only and all the values entered by the user and ignore the others:

return (
        (!game.venue || game.venue.toLowerCase().search(this.searchTerm.venue) >= 0) &&
        (!game.date || game.date.search(this.searchTerm.date) >= 0) &&
        (!game.price || game.price.toString().search(this.searchTerm.price) >= 0)

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