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Iterating over a string separated by unescaped characters only

Say I have the following string:

var="One two three\ four five"

What command would have the following code:

for item in "$(operation on $var)"; do
  echo "$item"

and produce the following output:

three four

Alternatively, could I use single quotes to achieve this on a string input that is already wrapped in double quotes? Ie, could I have the string

var="One two 'three four' five"

produce the same output under the above conditions?

You may use gnu grep in perl mode:

var="One two three\ four five"
grep -oP '[^\s\\]+(\\.[^\s\\]+)*' <<< "$var"

Regex Details:

  • [^\\s\\\\]+ : Match 1+ of any non-whitespace character that is not \\
  • ( : Start group
    • \\\\.[^\\s\\\\]+ : Match \\ followed by any escaped character followed by another string containing 1+ non-whitespace and non-backslash characters.
  • )* : End group. Match 0 or more of this group.

three\ four

Here is posix version of same grep :

grep -oE '[^\\[:blank:]]+(\\.[^\\[:blank:]]+)*' <<< "$var"

If you want to loop through these strings in a loop:

while IFS= read -r str; do
   echo "$str"
done < <(grep -oP '[^\s\\]+(\\.\S+)*' <<< "$var")

Just to extend off of anubhava's thorough answer for the first case ( "\\ " ), here's the answer for the second case ( "' '" ):

echo "one two 'three four three and a half' five" | 
  grep -oE "('([^'[:blank:]]+ )+[^'[:blank:]]+'|[^'[:blank:]]+)"


'three four three and a half'

Use an array:

arr=(one two 'three four' five)
for item in "${arr[@]}" ; do
    echo "$item"

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