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Letting a `std::vector<unsigned char>` steal memory from a `std::string`

Suppose we have std::string s holding a raw data buffer, but we want std::vector<uint8_t> v instead. The buffer length is in the millions. Is there a simple way to let v steal s 's memory and thereby avoid copying the buffer?

Like what std::vector<uint8_t>::vector(std::string&&) would have done, but doing it somehow from the outside of STL.

Alternatively, is it possible to get v from std::stringstream ss with an operation about as efficient as ss.str() ?

OK, lots of comments there, let's try and put something together, because I need the practise and might maybe earn some points [update: didn't :(].

I'm fairly new to 'modern C++' so please take it as you find it. Might need as late as C++17, I haven't checked that too carefully. Any critique more than welcome but I would prefer to edit my own post. And please bear in mind when reading this that what the OP actually wants to do is read his bytes from a file. Thx.

Update: Tweaked to handle the case where the the file size changes between the call to stat() and the call to fread() as per @Deduplicator's comment below ... and subsequently replaced fread with std::ifstream , I think we're there now.

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <optional>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>

using optional_vector_of_char = std::optional <std::vector <char>>;

// Read file into a std::optional <std::vector <char>>.
// Now handles the file size changing when we're not looking.
optional_vector_of_char SmarterReadFileIntoVector (std::string filename)
    for ( ; ; )
        struct stat stat_buf;
        int err = stat (filename.c_str (), &stat_buf);
        if (err)
            // handle the error
            return optional_vector_of_char ();   // or maybe throw an exception

        size_t filesize = stat_buf.st_size;

        std::ifstream fs;
        fs.open (filename, std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary);
        if (!fs.is_open ())
            // handle the error
            return optional_vector_of_char ();

        optional_vector_of_char v (filesize + 1);
        std::vector <char>& vecref = v.value ();
        fs.read (vecref.data (), filesize + 1);

        if (fs.rdstate () & std::ifstream::failbit)
            // handle the error
            return optional_vector_of_char ();

        size_t bytes_read = fs.gcount ();
        if (bytes_read <= filesize)              // file same size or shrunk, this code handles both
            vecref.resize (bytes_read);
            vecref.shrink_to_fit ();
            return v;                            // RVO

        // File has grown, go round again

int main ()
    optional_vector_of_char v = SmarterReadFileIntoVector ("abcde");
    std::cout << std::boolalpha << v.has_value () << std::endl;

Live demo . No actual file available to read in of course, so...

Also : Have you considered writing your own simple container that maps a view of the file? Just a thought.

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