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Hibernate SQL query matching more than one members of an ElementCollection

I have Pojo mapped with JPA annotations like this

@Table(name = "record")
public class SearchRecord {

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE)
private int id;
private String vidName;
private List<String> videoLabels = new ArrayList<String>();

and would like to run a Hibernate query that filters out all SearchRecords that match/contain 1..n videoLabels. (only objects that match all of the videoLabels)

I was able to search for SearchRecords that match a single label by running the following query:

String labelCar = "Car";
String labelPerson = "Person";
TypedQuery<SearchRecord> query = em.createQuery("SELECT b FROM SearchRecord b JOIN b.videoLabels l WHERE l = :param1",SearchRecord.class);
query.setParameter("param1", labelCar);
List<SearchRecord> results = query.getResultList();

But how can I execute a query filtering out all SearchResults matching Car and Person?

Thanks for your support


SELECT DISTINCT a FROM SearchRecord a JOIN a.labels b JOIN a.labels c WHERE b.name = 'Car' and c.name = 'Person' 

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