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How can I pass a C# String-like variable to a sbyte* parameter?

I inherited a C++ DLL with its related header file, with functions declared like

int func1(int i);
int func2(char* s);

I also inherited a reference VC++ reference class that wraps the above DLL to be used in C# environment

public ref class MyWrapperClass
    int func1_w(int i)
        return func1(i);
    int func2_w(char* s)
        return func2(s);

From my C# application, I can use func1_w(int i), but I don't understand how to pass a string to func2_w(sbyte* s): I got an error about I can't get a pointer to an sbyte. I set the C# prject as unsafe and declared the function as unsafe.

How can I pass a sbyte* parameter to functiuon func2_w?

As I've said in the comment, probably the most stupid wrapper I've ever seen. You'll have to allocate the ansi string manually. Two ways:

string str = "Hello world";

IntPtr ptr = IntPtr.Zero;

    ptr = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(str);

    // Pass the string, like:

Another way, using Encoding.Default (but note the special handling for the terminating \\0 )

string str = "Hello world";

// Space for terminating \0
byte[] bytes = new byte[Encoding.Default.GetByteCount(str) + 1];
Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str, 0, str.Length, bytes, 0);

fixed (byte* b = bytes)
    sbyte* b2 = (sbyte*)b;
    // Pass the string, like:

In the end I used the following approach:

sbyte[] buffer = new sbyte[256];
String errorMessage;
fixed (sbyte* pbuffer = &buffer[0])
    errorMessage = new string(pbuffer);

Someone posted it in the comments of my question, but I can't see it anymore.

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