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MySQL Linked Server can't update longtext

I have a Linked Server from SQL Server to my mySQL database (Windows Server using MySQL ODBC Driver 5.3). I have a unique situation where I can only get my longtext columns to return if I convert them in an OPEN QUERY:

OPENQUERY (woocommerce, 'SELECT meta_id, CONVERT(meta_value using UTF8) as meta_value
                         FROM woocommerce.wp_postmeta WHERE meta_id = 9465078') 

If I don't convert/cast it I get the following error from the linked server:

Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "woocommerce" reported an error. The provider reported an unexpected catastrophic failure.

I need to update this longtext column, "meta_value", but I can't since it has been casted/converted.

    OPENQUERY (woocommerce, 'SELECT meta_id, CONVERT(meta_value using utf8) 
                             FROM woocommerce.wp_postmeta WHERE meta_id = 9465078') 
    SET meta_value = 'outofstock';

Is there any way to update a casted/converted column using OPENQUERY and a linked server? I've tried converting or casting it every which way.

Driver seems have problem with LONGTEXT column.

You could limit the LONGTEXT column size with option:

Limit column size to signed 32-bit range

(Take care to not lose your data, but it's a rarely case, I don't think any String would longer than 1 billions characters XD)

The last comment here would help you how to do that

Now you can remove the cast and can proceed updating normally.

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