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Python: Find a string between two special characters, repeatedly

I have a paragraph like this:

paragraph = "Dear {{userName}},

You have been registered successfully. Our Manager {{managerName}} will contact soon.


I need to parse all the strings within {{}}. There could be many more like that in the paragraph.

I tried this solution:

result = re.search('{{(.*)}}',paragraph)
# output is 'userName}} {{ManagerName' 

Output I wanted is:


Please help.


Use re.findall


import re

paragraph = """Dear {{userName}},
You have been registered successfully. Our Manager {{managerName}} will contact soon.

print( re.findall(r"\{\{(.*?)\}\}", paragraph) )


['userName', 'managerName']

Here is an alternative solution without needing regex. You can just find the positions of {{ and }} using str.find() .

closebrace = 0
while True:
    openbrace = paragraph.find('{{', closebrace)
    if openbrace == -1:
    closebrace = paragraph.find('}}', openbrace)

    # You now have the positions of open and close braces,
    # check if close brace is -1, then do whatever you want with them
    print(openbrace, closebrace)

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