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Changing rest output in json format from snake case to camel case in react web app

Changing rest output in JSON format in which the keys are present in snake case and I need to convert it to camel case

I am developing a React Web app in which I call my API endpoint and it gives me response like this

        "id": 1,
        "goals_for": 0,
        "goals_against": 0,
        "points": 0

So here I want to convert the Keys of my JSON rest output from snake case to camel case like this ( goals_for -> goalsFor )

After conversion I need the output like this

        "id": 1,
        "goalsFor": 0,
        "goalsAgainst": 0,
        "points": 0
const snakeCaseArray = [{
        "id": 1,
        "goals_for": 0,
        "goals_against": 0,
        "points": 0

 /*using lodash*/
 const camelCaseArray = snakeCaseArray.map(item=>{
    return Object.keys(item).map(key=>{ 
       const newKeyName = _.camelCase(key) /*---> lodash function*/
       return {[newKeyName]:item[key]}

You need to take the entire key value pairs and pass all the keys to the function and create a new object in javascript by using this snake to camel case function

function snakeToCamel(your_Key){
    return your_Key.replace(/(\-\w)/g, function(m){return m[1].toUpperCase();});

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