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not matching a set number of characters in regex

I have the following expression


I would like to use regex to extract and generate the following string


I have tried this so far with the online regex tester


Which extracts more than what I need...


How can I get regex to skip subsequent characters until it reaches the mon10 part?


You can match using two matching groups, and join :

>>> ''.join(re.findall(r'(rcp\d{2}).*?(\_mon\d{2})', s)[0])

You may use re.sub here:

>>> s = 'diff_pr_EUR-44_cordex_rcp45_mon_ave_2048-2060_minus_2005-2017_mon10_ave1_withsd.nc'
>>> print (re.sub(r'^.*?(rcp\d+).*(_mon\d+).*', r'\1\2', s))

RegEx Demo


  • ^.*? : Match 0 or of any characters at the start (lazy)
  • (rcp\\d+) : Match and capture rcp followed by 1+ digits in group #1
  • .* : Match 0 or of any characters (greedy)
  • (_mon\\d+) : Match and capture _mon followed by 1+ digits in group #2
  • .* : Match anything till the end

  • r'\\1\\2' : Replace string by back-references of group #1 and group #2

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