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Regex Python 3.x

My string is:

s = '"location":{"state":"WA"},"active":true'

I want to get a regex expression so I can capture the following:

group 1: location":
group 2: state":
group 3: active":

Since these 3 words all end with ":

I have tried the following regex, but it is not working:


I need to capture via 3 groups.

This works fine.

>>> re.findall("([a-zA-Z]+)\":", s)
['location', 'state', 'active']

Or you can use two steps to complete it. First, use re.findall with [a-zA-Z]+\\": to find 3 groups.

>>> re.findall("[a-zA-Z]+\":", s)
['location":', 'state":', 'active":']

Second, replace ": with empty: r.replace("\\":", "")

>>> res = re.findall("[a-zA-Z]+\":", s)
>>> res
['location":', 'state":', 'active":']
>>> for r in res:
...     r.replace("\":", "")

I was able to capture it with a simple (r'\\w+":')

>>> import re
>>> s = '"location":{"state":"WA"},"active": True'
>>> a = re.compile(r'\w+":')
>>> location, state, active = a.findall(s)
>>> location, state, active
('location":', 'state":', 'active":')

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