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Grabbing all the “names” from a tree structure

There are endless amount of tree questions on here, but for me, it would be nice if someone could help me with this specific question. I took a "mock interview" for my boot camp and this was a question. I did not have a good way to approach it..

const people = {
    name: "Robin",
    children: [
            name: "Alberto",
            children: [
                    name: "Quinn",
                    children: [
                            name: "Conner",
                            children: []
                            name: "Lila",
                            children: []
            name: "Charlie",
            children: []

// Write a function called getNames that returns a string "Robin, Alberto, Quinn, Conner, Lila, Charlie

It can be a little overwhelming when you're trying to learn this stuff, especially when you're sifting through a multitude of questions that have different angles to solving them. So, help on this particular one would be greatly appreciated!

You could use reduce method to create recursive function that will return a string.

 const people = {"name":"Robin","children":[{"name":"Alberto","children":[{"name":"Quinn","children":[{"name":"Conner","children":[]},{"name":"Lila","children":[]}]}]},{"name":"Charlie","children":[]}]} function getNames(data, name = "") { return data.name + (data.children ? data.children.reduce((r, e) => { return r + ", " + getNames(e) }, "") : "") } console.log(getNames(people)) 

Easy, just use recursion.

 const people = { name: "Robin", children: [ { name: "Alberto", children: [ { name: "Quinn", children: [ { name: "Conner", children: [] }, { name: "Lila", children: [] } ] } ] }, { name: "Charlie", } ]}; function getNames(tree) { var names = []; for (var i = 0; i < tree.length; i++) { names.push(tree[i].name) if (tree[i].children) { names = names.concat(getNames(tree[i].children)) } } return names; } var names = getNames([people]); console.log(names); 

Recursive data structures can be easily transformed using the new flatMap

 const people = { name: "Robin", children: [ { name: "Alberto", children: [ { name: "Quinn", children: [ { name: "Conner", children: [] }, { name: "Lila", children: [] } ] } ] }, { name: "Charlie", } ]}; const getNames = ({ name, children = [] }) => [ name, ...children.flatMap(getNames) ] console.log(getNames(people)) // [ "Robin", "Alberto", "Quinn", "Conner", "Lila", "Charlie" ] 

If your environment doesn't define it, you can write your own flatMap

 const flatMap = (f, xs = [], context = null) => xs.reduce ( (acc, x, i) => acc.concat (f.call (context, x, i, xs)) , [] ) const people = { name: "Robin", children: [ { name: "Alberto", children: [ { name: "Quinn", children: [ { name: "Conner", children: [] }, { name: "Lila", children: [] } ] } ] }, { name: "Charlie", } ]}; const getNames = ({ name, children = [] }) => [ name, ...flatMap (getNames, children) ] console.log(getNames(people)) // [ "Robin", "Alberto", "Quinn", "Conner", "Lila", "Charlie" ] 

flatMap is supported in Node 11, but no longer included in babel-polyfill as of Babel 7, where it now has to be manually imported

// Node 10 or Babel 7
import 'core-js/fn/array/flat-map'

Of you can polyfill it manually

 // manual polyfill Array.prototype.flatMap = function (f, context = null) { return this.reduce ( (acc, x, i) => acc.concat (f.call (context, x, i, this)) , [] ) } const people = { name: "Robin", children: [ { name: "Alberto", children: [ { name: "Quinn", children: [ { name: "Conner", children: [] }, { name: "Lila", children: [] } ] } ] }, { name: "Charlie", } ]}; const getNames = ({ name, children = [] }) => [ name, ...children.flatMap(getNames) ] console.log(getNames(people)) // [ "Robin", "Alberto", "Quinn", "Conner", "Lila", "Charlie" ] 

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