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Make a list element of multiple types in python

I want to make a list element that takes values from multiple types of variables. I tried to do like this but it gives the error: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects

name = "John"
age = 12
data = name + age

I want a list like this

data = [('John', 12)]


data = [(name, age)]

You can just to that :D

test = [None]*2

test[0] = "TEST"
test[1] = 25



I don't really see the problem since lists are capable of storing multiple types.

However, since you seem to want a list of names linked to age, you should look up dictionaries.

data = {'John':12 , 'Marie':14}

In this example data is a dictionary, it's like a list but instead of calling items like data[1] you can call data['Marie'] and it will return you Marie's age (in this case).

If you want more information about dictionaries I suggest you look it up.


list = [int(list[0]),float(list[1]), int(list[2]), float(list[3])]

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