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c++ iterating over member functions

I have a bit of a design problem:

I have a class describing a Robot; It can move to different directions, move a camera to different views etc. It looks something like this:

class Robot {

        void move_right();
        void move_left();
        void switch_camera()
        void raise_camera()

I want to add another method which performs a series of events. Thing is, I need able to abort the events midway.

I do want to clarify that the robot is running on a micro controller and not on a standard OS - so I can't really send a signal to the process or anything.

My first idea was to store the event functions in an array and iterate over it:

#typedef void(robo_event *)(void)

robo_event next_event;
robo_event *event_sequence;

Robot() {
    this->next_event = nullptr;


void perform_event_series() {
    for(this->next_event = *event_sequence; this->next_event != nullptr; this->next_event+=sizeof(robo_event)) {

void abort_event_series() {
    this->next_event = nullptr;

Thing is, the c++ standard forbids storing addresses of member functions, so this is starting to get awkward. I can make the functions static, but I do need to use them quite frequently and that would still be awkward. I want to be able to change to event sequence without too much work if changes are yet to come, so I thought that saving those on some sort of array / vector would be the best.

Any help with c++ member function syntax / better ideas on how to approach this problem would be much appreciated.

Thing is, the c++ standard forbids storing addresses of member functions

C++ most certainly allows you to store pointers to member functions (and variables), but the syntax is a bit different to accommodate the this pointer type, virtual functions, inheritance, etc.

class Example
    double foo(int x) { return x * 1.5; }
int main() {
    double (Example::* member_function_ptr)(int);
    member_function_ptr = &Example::foo;

    Example example;
    std::cout << (example.*member_function_ptr)(2) << std::endl;

If all your functions are for the same class, same return type, same arguments, etc. then you can make a table of them easy enough.

Pointers to functions are of different types to pointers to members.

You need void(Robot::*)(void) not void(*)(void) .

class Robot {
    typedef void(Robot::*robot_event)(void)

    robo_event next_event;
    robo_event *event_sequence;

    Robot() {
        next_event = nullptr;


    void perform_event_series() {
        for(next_event = *event_sequence; next_event != nullptr; ++next_event) {

    void abort_event_series() {
        next_event = nullptr;

    void move_right();
    void move_left();
    void switch_camera()
    void raise_camera()


Storing pointers to member functions is perfectly allowable in c++:

#include <vector>

class Robot {

        void move_right();
        void move_left();
        void switch_camera();
        void raise_camera();

struct Action
    Action(void (Robot::*what)(void))
    : what(what)

    void perform(Robot& who) const

    void (Robot::*what)(void);

bool should_abort();

void perform_actions(Robot& who, std::vector<Action> const& actions)
    for (auto&& action : actions)
        if (should_abort()) break;

int main()

    std::vector<Action> actions {

    Robot r;
    perform_actions(r, actions);


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