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How to increment the last part of string that contains a number

I have this serial :

string serialTXT = "SD50MRF999";

I want to increase it to "SD50MRF1000" not "SD51MRF000".

I tried this :

var prefix = Regex.Match(sdesptchNo, "^\\D+").Value;
var number = Regex.Replace(sdesptchNo, "^\\D+", "");
var i = int.Parse(number) + 1;
var newString = prefix + i.ToString(new string('0', number.Length));

But the result : it isolate "SD" and "50MRF1000"

I would use LINQ for this purposes usually:

string serialTXT = "SD50MRF01";
string intPart = string.Join("", serialTXT.Reverse().TakeWhile(char.IsDigit).Reverse());
int intP = int.Parse(intPart);
serialTXT = serialTXT.Remove(serialTXT.Length - intPart.Length) + 
            (intP < 10 ? "0" + (intP + 1) : (intP + 1).ToString());

Result => "SD50MRF1000"

Just don't forget to add this to your using directives:

using System.Linq;

You can use a regex to get the last digits, then convert those to a number, and tack it onto the end of the part of the string which didn't match:

string serialTXT = "SD50MRF999";
Regex re = new Regex( "([0-9]+)$"); /* digits at the end */
string end = re.Match(serialTXT).Value;
int newNum = int.Parse(end) + 1; /* we need a number to increment it */
string newSerial = serialTXT.Substring(0, serialTXT.Length - end.Length) + newNum;


Like @S.Akbari, I think Linq can be nice here. This snippet will work on string like "SD50MRF50" .

public static void Main()
    var str = "SD50MRF999";
    var digits = str.Reverse().TakeWhile(char.IsDigit);
    var number = digits.Select((x,i) => (x - '0') * Math.Pow(10, i)).Sum();
    var letters = str.Remove(str.Length - digits.Count());

    // use letters + (++number).ToString("00")
    // or letters + (++number).ToString("D2")
    // to write `01`, `02`, `03` etc.
    Console.WriteLine(letters + (++number));

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