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Ruby Iterating over an array and find match in an hash and replace the element in array

I would like someone to clarify how can I possibly iterating over an array, find an exact match in an hash[value], and replace the element in the array with the hash[key].

As example, if I have a morse directory morse_dict = { "a" => ".-","b" => "-...","c" => "-.-.","d" => "-..","e" => ".","f" => "..-.","g" => "--.","h" => "....","i" => "..","j" => ".---","k" => "-.-","l" => ".-..","m" => "--","n" => "-.","o" => "---","p" => ".--.","q" => "--.-","r" => ".-.","s" => "...","t" => "-","u" => "..-","v" => "...-","w" => ".--","x" => "-..-","y" => "-.--","z" => "--.."," " => " ","1" => ".----","2" => "..---","3" => "...--","4" => "....-","5" => ".....","6" => "-....","7" => "--...","8" => "---..","9" => "----.","0" => "-----" }

and I want a method that for a given string in morse code returns a string in regular alphabet. This is the codewars kata .

I am not interested in the solution to the challenge itself, I would like to understand the principle of this.

So far I have thought of proceeding this way:

def morse_code(arr)
  arr.split(" ").each {|element| 
  element.each_char {|char| 
(morse_dict.include?(char)) ? (print "true") : (print "false")}

I only print false, which means that I am not actually looking for match into the hash.

Using Hash#key without replacing the array, rather creating a new one (use map! for replacement):

array = [1,2,3,4,5]    
hash = {a: 4, b: 7, c: 3}

array.map { |el| hash.key(el) }
# => [nil, nil, :c, :a, nil]

You may want to think about using Hash#invert and simply referencing the elements by keys for performance reasons as Hash#key is O(n) while Hash#[] is O(1) .

array = [1,2,3,4,5]
hash = {a: 4, b: 7, c: 3}
inverted_hash = hash.invert

array.map { |el| inverted_hash[el] }
# => [nil, nil, :c, :a, nil]

assuming: arr = 'abc d' , which is not an arr, so please make that morse_string

def morse_code(morse_string)
  new_elements = []

  # iterate over each character in the string, 
  morse_string.split(" ").each do |element| 
    if morse_dict[element]
      # https://apidock.com/ruby/Array/push
      new_elements.push( morse_dict[element] )
      # whatever you want to do when there is no match
  # re-create the string again, but with braille 
  # https://apidock.com/ruby/Array/join
  new_elements.join(' ')

morse_string = 'a b c d'

I understand from the kata that letters are to be separated by one space and words by three spaces.

As a first step I will two changes to the hash morse_dict : remove the key ' ' ; and add key-value pairs for some punctuation characters. The space character key is not needed; the need for punctuation codes is discussed in the kata.

PUNCTUATION = { "."=>".-.-.-", ","=>"--..--", "?"=>"..--..", "!"=>"-.-.--" }

ALPHA_TO_MORSE = dict.reject { |k,_| k == " " }.merge(PUNCTUATION)
  #=> {"a"=>".-", "b"=>"-...", "c"=>"-.-.", "d"=>"-..", "e"=>".", "f"=>"..-.",
  #    "g"=>"--.", "h"=>"....", "i"=>"..", "j"=>".---", "k"=>"-.-", "l"=>".-..", 
  #    "m"=>"--", "n"=>"-.", "o"=>"---", "p"=>".--.", "q"=>"--.-", "r"=>".-.",
  #    "s"=>"...", "t"=>"-", "u"=>"..-", "v"=>"...-", "w"=>".--", "x"=>"-..-",
  #    "y"=>"-.--", "z"=>"--..", "1"=>".----", "2"=>"..---", "3"=>"...--",
  #    "4"=>"....-", "5"=>".....", "6"=>"-....", "7"=>"--...", "8"=>"---..",
  #    "9"=>"----.", "0"=>"-----", "."=>".-.-.-", ","=>"--..--", "?"=>"..--..",
  #    "!"=>"-.-.--"}

I obtained the Morse codes for the punctuation characters from the Morse Code Wiki . Additional punctuation characters could be added if desired.

The hash ALPHA_TO_MORSE is used in encoding text. The inverse of this hash is needed for decoding messages in Morse code. Also needed for decoding is the key value pair "...---..."=>"sos" .

MORSE_TO_ALPHA = ALPHA_TO_MORSE.invert.merge("...---..."=>"sos")
  #=> {".-"=>"a", "-..."=>"b", "-.-."=>"c", "-.."=>"d", "."=>"e", "..-."=>"f",
  #    "--."=>"g", "...."=>"h", ".."=>"i", ".---"=>"j", "-.-"=>"k", ".-.."=>"l",
  #    "--"=>"m", "-."=>"n", "---"=>"o", ".--."=>"p", "--.-"=>"q", ".-."=>"r",
  #    "..."=>"s", "-"=>"t", "..-"=>"u", "...-"=>"v", ".--"=>"w", "-..-"=>"x",
  #    "-.--"=>"y", "--.."=>"z", ".----"=>"1", "..---"=>"2", "...--"=>"3",
  #    "....-"=>"4", "....."=>"5", "-...."=>"6", "--..."=>"7", "---.."=>"8",
  #    "----."=>"9", "-----"=>"0", ".-.-.-"=>".", "--..--"=>",",
  #    "..--.."=>"?", "-.-.--"=>"!""...---..."=>"sos"}

One more hash is needed to deal with cases where the message "sos" (or "SOS" --Morse code is case insensitive), or "sos" followed by a punctuation character (eg, "sos!" ) is to be encoded. 1 See the Wiki.

SOS_WITH_PUNCTUATION = PUNCTUATION.each_with_object({}) { |(k,v),h|
  h["sos#{k}"] = "...---... #{v}" }.merge('sos'=>"...---...")
  #=> {"sos."=>"...---... .-.-.-", "sos,"=>"...---... --..--",
  #    "sos?"=>"...---... ..--..", "sos!"=>"...---... -.-.--", "sos"=>"...---..."}

The encoding and decoding methods follow. encode checks to see if each word in the string is a key in the hash SOS_WITH_PUNCTUATION . If it is, the value of key is the Morse code for the word; else, the word is divided into letters and each letter is translated into Morse code.

def encode(str)
  str.strip.downcase.split.map do |word|
    if SOS_WITH_PUNCTUATION.key?(word)
      word.each_char.map { |c| ALPHA_TO_MORSE[c] }.join(' ')
  end.join ('   ')

def decode(morse)
  morse.strip.split(/ {3}/).map do |word|
    word.split.map { |c| MORSE_TO_ALPHA[c] }.join
  end.join(' ')

We can now try out these two methods.

str = "  Is now the time for   you, and 007, to send an SOS?"

morse = encode str
  #=> ".. ...  -. --- .--  - .... .  - .. -- .  ..-. --- .-.  -.-- --- ..- --..--  .- -. -..  ----- ----- --... --..--  - ---  ... . -. -..  .- -.  ...---... ..--.."

decode morse
  #=> "is now the time for you, and 007, to send an sos?"

1 It would be simpler to have a pre-processing step that would convert, say, "sos." to "sos ." , but when the resulting Morse code were decoded there would be a space between "sos" and "." . I suppose that cryptographers could deal with that, but I've chosen to avoid the insertion of the space.

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