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Merge multiple tables into one table SQL Server

I want to merge 3 tables into one only to get full data with conditions below

  • merge 3 tables [test1], [test2], [test3] into one table [test]
  • If when merging, if a column is blank select from another table
  • Col1 exists in all 3 tables

Here is my example code to merge from table 2 into test.

MERGE INTO [dbo].[test] a
USING [dbo].[test2] b ON a.col1 = b.col1

    SET col1 = b.col1,
        col2 = b.col2,
        col3 = b.col3,
        col4 = b.col4
    WHERE col1 = '' OR col2 = '' OR col3 = '' OR col4 = '';

It get errors:

Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'where'.

Please try the COALESCE function rather than using the where condition. The COALESCE function takes the next value in case there is a NULL is encountered.

    Merge into [dbo].[test] a   
    using [dbo].[test2] b
    on a.col1 = b.col1
    when matched then
    set col2 = COALESCE(a.col2, b.col2),
    col3 = COALESCE(a.col3, b.col3),
    col4 = COALESCE(a.col4, b.col4);

So in the modified code, if the Table [dbo].[test] col2 is Null then it takes the value from [dbo].[test2]. Since you will be using COALESCE, you will be able to merge any number of values.

Can you show the table Structure.

you can use UNION ALL Operator follow this link.


OR mixture of INNER JOIN with UPDATE statement combining the condition on WHERE clause

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