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i need help figuring out this php problem using files and if statemtents

Me and my Teacher have both looked through it and I cant seem to find the error that makes it print wrong when the email in the file is the same as the one entered

    class Account
        public $EMail;
        public $PassWord;
        public $UserName;

    $user = array();
    $Username = $_GET['username'];
    $FileName = "USERS//".$Username.".txt";
        $File = file($FileName);
        foreach($File as $Line)
            array_push($user, $Line);

        $user[0] = (string)$user[0];
        $UserDet = new Account();
        $UserDet->EMail = $user[0];

        echo $UserDet->EMail;
        $Email = $_GET['email']; $Email = (string)$Email;

        if($Email == $UserDet->EMail)
            echo "correct";
            echo "wrong";
        echo "No Account found";

comparing strings with an if() statement is general not advised. you can do this but, you will end up pulling out your hair like this. I would suggest fully sanitizing both input and database records something like lowercasing (strtolower())each string and removing all spaces (preg_replace('/\\s/','',$string). Then use strcmp() http://php.net/manual/en/function.strcmp.php to compare.

The file() function reads every line of a file into elements of an array. By that I mean it reads the entire line, including the linefeed at the end . If you want to skip those newlines, use the second argument to say so:

$File = file($FileName, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);

Also, why are you using a loop to put the contents of the file into an empty array? Can't you just assign the return from file() directly to the $user array? And there's no need to typecast things as string . Anything read from a file, or in $_GET is already going to be a string so there's no advantage to be gained by casting it.

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