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Ubuntu how to create a shortcut that execute a command

When I work I often do:

cd ~/dev/lab/prod/

It is just an example but I would like to be able just to run:


With the same effect (changing into the ~/dev/lab/prod folder).

Alias is what you are looking for.

For bash you have to do following steps:

1) Open your .bashrc

nano ~/.bashrc

2) Add new alias (at the end of file)

alias prod='cd ~/dev/lab/prod/'

3) Save and close the file

4) Source the .bashrc file

source ~/.bashrc

5) Use created alias prod for cd ~/dev/lab/prod/ command

  1. Open a text editor
  2. Name the file prod.sh
  3. Add the following line:

     cd ~/dev/lab/prod 
  4. Make the file script executable:

     chmod +x prod.sh 
  5. Run the file


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