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GSON toJson() method returns null for a POJO

This is my POJO class

public class ResourceRecord {

    public ResourceRecord() {}

    public String name;
    public Integer ttl;
    public String type;
    public String rr;

    public String dnsClass;


And this the serialisation:

ResourceRecord rr = new ResourceRecord() {
        name = "";
        dnsClass = "IN";
        ttl = 600;
        rr = "0431shangmao.com.";
        type = "A";

String rrStr = new Gson().toJson(rr);

Apparently, rrStr gets null . Why?

I tried annotating the fields with @Expose but the result stayed the same.

UPDATE: I changed to constructing to:

ResourceRecord rr = new ResourceRecord("", 900,"A","1.dnstest.netshade.net.", "IN");

and it worked.

The reason why it didn't work is because you were creating anonymous innerclass of ResourceRecord when you instantiate using curly braces:

ResourceRecord rr = new ResourceRecord() {
          name = "";
          dnsClass = "IN";
          ttl = 600;
          rr = "0431shangmao.com.";
          type = "A";

And Gson doesn't support serializing anonymous subclasses.

Try this,

Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create(); String json = gson.toJson(obj);

obj is the object of pojo class

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