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date_trunc month in SQL Server

I want to extract the "month" from the date_contact column. I tried select dateadd(mm, datediff(mm,0, date_contact), 0) from cohort and select cast(date_contact As Date) . I received result that is same as date from the first method. And for the second method I got error message: date_contact is not a valid name .


select datepart(mm,date_contact) from cohort


select month(date_contact) from cohort


select datename(mm,date_contact) from cohort

Simply use MONTH() function

SELECT MONTH(date_contact)
FROM YourTable;

Which will return the month number, and if you want to return the month name, then you can use DATENAME() function

SELECT DATENAME(Month, date_contact)
FROM YourTable;


SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(3), date_contact, 100)
FROM YourTable;
select dateadd(day,-(day(getdate())-1),cast(getdate() as date))

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