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String expression not matched string wide by java regex

I am trying to match the following string:


with the following match:

string = string.replaceAll("÷(.+)%(.+)@x#([0-9]+)\\$","÷$1x#$3\\$%$2@");

from the above call, I see that: $1 = (.+) and $2 = (.+) and $3 = ([0-9]+)

after the call to replaceAll: the string has changed to: ÷7%3@x#4$+÷5x#2$%3@-4

Notice that the regex was applied only to ÷5%3@x#2$ not to ÷7%3@x#2$

I need the regex to match expression wide.

What could be wrong with the regex?

I am posting this answer which is a valid work around as to what am trying to accomplish. Is not the most elegant solution to the problem, but it works.

In my answer I use the Pattern and Matcher classes to scope out each occurrence of my regex and then replace them as the Pattern and Matcher find each one of them.

Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("÷.+?%.+?@x#\\d+\\$");
Matcher matchk = patternk.matcher(string);
String string1 = matchk.group();
String string2 = string1;
string2 = string2.replaceAll("÷(.+)%(.+)@x#(\\d+)\\$","÷$1x#$3\\$%$2@");
string = string.replace(string1,string2);}

The result is the formatted string I was looking to get.

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